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Home School Agreement

Home/School Agreement

Review Date: July 2024

Home/School Agreement

We have a commitment to providing high quality education which meets the needs of all our students. This is only possible with strongly forged supportive partnerships. We firmly believe in school working closely in co-operation with parents/carers to enable        our students to achieve their personal best. Our partnership agreement recognises the responsibilities we all share in ensuring success.

We will provide:

A safe, caring, disciplined and challenging environment which meets your child’s physical, spiritual and emotional needs and in which positive relationships are encouraged and supported.

An appropriate, broad and balanced curriculum which reflects your child’s abilities and talents, enabling him/her to make progress and achieve success.

Qualified staff who will meet the academic needs of your child, ensuring that your child understands how to improve performance.

Regular reviews of your child’s progress through half-termly reports, student review days and consultation evenings.

Homework which is set and assessed on a regular basis.

Recognition and rewards for achievement to encourage positive actions/behaviours at every opportunity.

Contact with you if we are pleased or concerned about your child’s behaviour/progress. Regular information about your child’s attendance and behaviour.

An open line of communication for the effective exchange of information and views.

Advance information about school events, with opportunities to support your child and school.


I will ensure that my child arrives on time at school every day and will inform school immediately if my child is absent.

I will not remove my child during term-time for the purpose of a holiday

I will ensure that my child wears full school uniform and adheres to our code regarding jewellery, hairstyles etc.

I will encourage my child to meet all homework/assignment/ coursework deadlines

I will support school’s student behaviour code, including ensuring they complete detentions, and ensure my child behaves appropriately.

I will contact school if my child is experiencing problems which impact on his/her attendance, behaviour or academic performance

I will attend student review days and information evenings whenever possible I will treat all school staff with respect

I will not use social media inappropriately regarding the school or students

I will ensure my child does not use their mobile phone whilst in school. They will not bring an I

Pad or any alternative item electronic equipment into school. None of these devices will be used to film or record staff or other students.


I will attend school on time every day unless I am too ill or have an appointment previously agreed by school.

I will come to school properly equipped with school bag, pen, pencil, ruler, PE kit and any other items required by specific subjects

I will wear correct school uniform, wearing my uniform with pride and remembering that I represent our school in the community

I will complete all classwork, homework and coursework to the best of my ability, meeting all deadlines set.

I will follow school’s behaviour code, showing respect for both staff and students in the way I speak and act

I will accept any sanctions given by the school and complete any punishments like detentions without argument.

I will always ask for help if I need support with a problem or am aware of another student in difficulty who may need support.

I will not use social media inappropriately regarding school, its staff or other students.

I will not use my phone on site without permission including to film/record staff or other students.

Agreed on behalf of Co-op Academy Bebington:        Date:

Signed Parent :        Date:        

Signed Student:         Date: