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Curriculum Intent Statement

The Science curriculum at Co-op Academy Bebington is carefully designed and chosen to offer accessibility for all, ensuring a curriculum that is as ambitious as the National Curriculum and allows students to learn the subject of Science and the skills associated with Scientific working to enable them to make informed decisions about the world around them through a scientific context.  

Students access the Science curriculum from entry in year 7 through to level 3 courses in the sixth form.  The knowledge and understanding students develop builds upon prior learning from their previous educational stage (e.g. KS2, KS3, KS4) and prepares them for their next stage of learning in a continuous process.  (See flowchart below)

To complement the PSHCE curriculum, the Science department supports and develops students’ personal development through aspects of the curriculum through, careers in Science, British values, SMSC, relationships and sex education, health education and cultural capital (Science capital).

Science also offers a range of enrichment opportunities to enable students to see first hand, Science in a true world setting.  These include STEM club, Chemistry for all, Salters festivals of Chemistry, #IAMSET programme,  Chester Zoo to name some of the ‘Science Experience’ on offer at Co-op Academy Bebington. 

As a team of committed professionals we aim to:

  • foster an engagement for the subject
  • develop students who are able to coherently draw conclusions and have opinions about the challenges of the world around them in a local and international context.  
  • strive to develop students who are critical of new, existing, even established ideas 
  • encourage students to have a natural curiosity for the technological, physical and biological changes and processes in their world.  
  • develop students who have an appreciation and understanding of other people’s views, ideas and conclusions even if they conflict with their own.  
  • most of all, we aim to support our students to develop into young adults with skills, knowledge and understanding useful to society now and in the future.

“The Science of today is the technology of tomorrow”    Edward Teller

Staff Members

Mr K. Marsh – Curriculum Coordinator 

Mr J. Bowen – Senior Technician

Mr S. Caldwell

Ms C. Goodwin – KS3 Coordinator

Mr M. George

Mrs J. Gullidge

Mr S. Kaye

Mr C. Locke – Technician

Ms S. McRae – Curriculum Coordinator for Animal Care 

Mr N. Pritchard – KS4 Coordinator

Mrs H. Robert - Year 9 Progress Leader

Mr C. Sawley - Year 8 Progress Leader

Miss J. Williams 

Key Stage 3

Year 7 Fundamentals / 8 (Developing) Year 8 (Developing) / 9 (Securing & Transition) Year 9 (Securing & Transition)
Science and Maths Skills Health and Lifestyle Cells
Cells Periodic table Particle model & state changes
Particles & Their Behaviour Separation Techniques Force & motion
Body Systems Life processes Cell systems
Forces Electricity & Magnetism Atoms & the periodic table
Elements and Compounds Metals reactions Fertilisation & implantation
Light and Sound The Earth Chemical changes
Reactions Pressure Waves, sound & light
Reproduction Energy Variation & natural selection
Acids and Alkalis End of Year 8 exams Useful chemical reactions
Space   Electricity & Megnetism
    Trust Common Assessment
    Intervention and closing the gaps

Key Stage 4

  • The Department of Science offers the following courses at KS4
Course Exam Board Specification code Specification title
GCSE AQA 8465 Combined Science (Synergy)
GCSE AQA 8461 Biology
GCSE AQA 8462 Chemistry
GCSE AQA 8463 Physics


YEAR 10 YEAR 11 
Cells in plants and animals The Periodic table
States of matter Forces & Motion
Atomic structure Forces & Energy
Systems in the human body Chemical quantities
Radiation & risk Structure and bonding
Plants and photosynthesis Rates of reaction
Lifestyle and health Electricity
Preventing, treating & curing disease Magnetism and electromagnetism
Waves Atoms and ions
Earth’s atmosphere Acids and Alkalis
Ecosystem & Biodiversity Carbon chemistry
Inheritance, variation and Evolution Resources of materials & energy
Terminal GCSE exams May/June
End of year 10 exams


YEAR 10 YEAR 11 
Cell structure & Transport Nervous system
Cell Division Hormonal system
Organisation & Digestive system Homeostasis in Action
Organising plants and animals Reproduction
Communicable disease Variation & Evolution
Preventing, treating and curing disease Genetics & Evolution
Non communicable disease Adaptation, interdependence & competition
Photosynthesis Organising an ecosystem
Respiration Biodiversity & ecosystems
End of year 10 exams Terminal GCSE Exams May/June


YEAR 10 YEAR 11 
Atomic structure Rates and equilibrium
Periodic table Crude oil and Fuels
Structure & bonding Organic reactions
Chemical calculations Polymers
Chemical changes Chemical analysis
Electrolysis Earth’s atmosphere
Energy changes Earth’s resources
End of year 10 Exams Using our resources
  Terminal GCSE exams May/June


YEAR 10 YEAR 11 
Conservation and dissipation of energy Forces
Energy transfer by heating Forces & motion
Energy resources Force and Pressure
Electrical circuits Wav Properties
Electricity in the home Electromagnetic waves
Molecules and matter Light
Radioactivity Electromagnetism
End of Year 10 Exams Space
  Terminal GCSE Exams May/June



Key Stage 5

The Department of Science offers the following subjects at KS5

Course Board Specification code Title
AS/A Level AQA 7401 / 7402 Biology
AS/A Level AQA 7407 / 7408  Physics
L3 BTEC National Pearson/Edexcel 601/7436/5 Applied Science (Certificate / Extended certificate)


A Level Biology
Y12 Y13
Biological Molecules Energy transfer in and between Organisms
Cells Organisms Respond to Changes to their Internal & External Environments
Organism exchange substances with their Environment Genetics, Populations, Evolution and Ecosystems
Genetic information, Variation & Relationships between organisms The Control of Gene Expression


Y12 / 13 Y13
Principles and applications of Science 1 Practical Scientific procedures and techniques
Science Investigation Skills Optional unit (60GLH)
  Biological molecules & metabolic pathways


Career Opportunities/Pathways

Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science, Nursing, Zoology, Marine Biologist, Sport Science Support, Teaching, Healthcare, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Forensic Science,  Pharmacology, Petrochemical Industries, Energy Management, Chemical Engineering, Laboratory Technician, Manufacture, Research assistant, Dental Technician, Health and Safety, Analytical work, Acoustic consultant, Astronomer, Clinical scientist, medical physicist, Geophysicist, Metallurgist, Meteorologist, Nanotechnologist, Radiation protection practitioner, Research scientist (physical sciences) and Technical author to name just a small number, Acoustic consultant, Astronomer, Clinical scientist, medical physics, Geophysicist, Higher education lecturer, Metallurgist, Meteorologist, Nanotechnologist, Radiation protection practitioner, Research scientist (physical sciences) and Technical author.