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Curriculum Intent Statement 


  • Our intention is that, when students leave Co-op Academy Bebington, they do so with the knowledge, understanding and emotions to be able to play a healthy and active role in today’s society. We want our students to have high aspirations, a belief in themselves and to realise that anything is possible if they put their mind to it.

What do we want for our students?

  • Develop a confidence in sharing their own thoughts and opinions with others
  • Develop skills and attributes to keep themselves healthy and safe
  • Develop an attitude of a responsible global citizen
  • To show tolerance of others beliefs, religions and life choices
  • To build positive, respectful relationships with other people


How do we deliver PSHCE at Co-op Academy Bebington:

  • All students have a weekly 30 minutes PSHCE lesson
  • Planning and resources are given to all staff which has been developed by PSHCE coordinator in guidance with the PSHE Association to meet the needs of our students.
  • Staff will have one training session at the start of each half term. Strategies and techniques are being implemented across school.
  • External agencies, such as Brook, LGBTQ+ speakers, Amy Winehouse foundation and external employers complement our PSHCE curriculum to offer additional expertise and subject knowledge.
  • Assemblies are planned in line with national key events and to explore any additional sessions that would benefit the whole school.


  • We firmly believe that a meaningful PSHCE curriculum is the key to children becoming confident, tolerant and well-rounded adults.
  • Students can approach a range of real life situations and apply their skills and attributes to help navigate themselves through modern life.
  • From exposure to a range of global issues and problems, students can build up tolerance and a sense of responsibility of being a global citizen.
  • Students can understand the different lifestyles that people may live and be respectful and tolerant towards those leading different lives to themselves.

Staff members 

Mrs L Hesketh – Deputy Head and Careers Leader
Mrs C. Fardoe – Careers Advisor – CEIAG Coordinator
Mrs L Forber – PSHCE Curriculum coordinator

Key Stage 3

To promote, encourage and foster our SpiritualMoral, Social and Cultural learning KS3 and 4 are delivered a ‘Votes for School’ lesson – through this weekly debating platform, students are learning about the world around them. The school will respond to any rise in incidents within school and also national and local agendas. This may mean additional assemblies, adaptation of PSHCE lessons or external agencies being invited in to work with students.

PSHCE has 3 core themes: Health and Well-being, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. The topics are then divided into these three themes throughout the academic year. 

Year 7
Health & Wellbeing – Transition, Healthy Living.
Relationships – Self-esteem, romance and friendships, Teenage Kicks
Living in the Wider World – Lending and Borrowing, Introduction to careers

Year 8
Health & Wellbeing – Healthy Kick Start, Drugs and Substance abuse
Relationships – Adolescence, Social Influence.
Living in the Wider World – Managing Money, Careers and me, introduction to unifrog.

Year 9
Health & Wellbeing – My Mental Health, Drug Education and the risks. Diet, Lifestyles and unhealthy coping strategies.
Relationships – Managing relationships, Relationship and Sex Education (RSE).
Living in the Wider World – Options, Managing Money, Future pathways. Unifrog.

Health & Wellbeing/Relationships Teacher Resource

Key Stage 4

Year 10 
Health & Wellbeing – My Mental Health, Peer pressure in the modern world
Relationships – Catch – Relationship and Sex education (RSE). 
Living in the Wider World – Managing money, Careers and prepartion for work experience. Unifrog

Year 11 
Health & Wellbeing – Drugs and alcohol, my mental health. Balancing a healthy lifestyle. 
Relationships – County Lines, Revisiting RSE. 
Living in the Wider World – Careers – Unifrog, mock interview – preparing students for further education. 

Assessment – each topic has a skills checker and revisited at the end of topic to demonstrate the progression and learning throughout the topic. 

Key Stage 5

To promote, encourage and foster our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural learning key stage 5 have a votes for school lesson – this involves weekly current affairs voting platform designed to engage young people in political and social issues. Through weekly debating and voting, not only are the students learning about the world around them, they are becoming prepared for participating in our democratic processes. External agencies such as Brook and Spider Project enhance the programme with self esteem, healthy relationship and the risks of drug and alcohol abuse.

Career opportunities/pathways

Through PSHCE we focus on how students can get onto the right career pathway for them. The goal is for Careers Education is to raise aspirations, give students the skills to achieve their full potential and provide them with the opportunity to experience different career pathways. We provide impartial Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG). It is our intention to provide a multi-faceted approach to Careers Education, along with a Careers Programme taught in all subjects, especially PSHCE where skill based activities and practical employment skills will be taught.
The school offers the expertise of our Careers Adviser, Mrs Fardoe. She can provide support for students and parents/carers. Whatever a student’s chosen destination, post 16 or 18, we will provide the support to help them to achieve their ambition. We want to guide our students in becoming employable and aspirational in accordance with the recommended Gatsby Benchmarks.