We, as a school, expect students to take care of and have pride in their appearance.
Our student designed uniform has been created to promote belonging to our school community.
To promote a sense of how important their presentation is, not just in school but for their future employment, we expect students to wear the uniform or PE kit correctly and that they look smart.
- Black trousers
- White shirt with clip-on/ Velcro/ standard tie in ‘Oakleigh’ tartan
- Black blazer with embroidered badge
- Academy black jumper from the Wirral Uniform Centre (optional)
- School skirt or pinafore in ‘Oakleigh’ tartan
- White blouse
- Black blazer with embroidered badge
- Academy black jumper from the Wirral Uniform Centre (optional)
Acceptable Shoes
Shoes must be plain all black leather style professional business-like and POLISH-ABLE; either slip-on or lace-up. No logos. No colours. Training shoes of any make are banned whether it be Nike, Adidas or Reebok etc.
Examples of acceptable shoes below - please buy only these styles - plain kickers allowed in styles indicated only
– do not buy the version similar to the 1st image in the banned list:
Unacceptable/banned Shoes
No trainers. No canvas shoes or sports shoes or pumps. No boots, no stripes, logos, emblems, colours or coloured soles. No metal or plastic logos or tags. No metal or plastic bars in or through laces. Footwear similar to the first image are banned (leeway given until Easter 22)…..formal shoes only. If in doubt ask before you buy!!Examples of unacceptable/banned shoes below:
Acceptable Girls’ Shoes
Shoes must be plain all black leather style professional business-like and polish-able, either slip-on or lace-up. Training shoes of any make are banned whether it be Nike, Adidas or Reebok etc.
Examples of acceptable shoes shown below - buy only these styles - plain kickers allowed in styles indicated only:
The Head teacher reserves the right to make a final decision on what is deemed as acceptable! Those exempt from wearing shoes must have medical evidence clearly stating the reasons for this- written evidence must come directly from a specialist or consultant.
Any student who arrives at school in incorrect footwear (without a medical exemption) will be expected to wear spare shoes provided by the school. Any student who refuses this concession will be placed in the Reflection Centre until the matter is resolved, and they attend in the correct footwear. The shoes we provide are clean, comfortable and well sanitised.
School Bags
School bags should be big enough to hold their planner, school equipment, PE kit and coat if they do not wish to carry this around. Coats should not be worn in the school building but can either be carried or placed in their school bag if big enough.
School bags should be waterproof and please ensure that your child’s name is clearly marked inside in case of them being mislaid.
Please note that carrier bags are not acceptable and if you wish to discuss any problems you have with your child having a school bag, then please contact your child’s Pastoral Leader.
School bags are an important part of our school uniform and if your child does not have one, sanctions could be imposed.
Jewellery and make-up
We have extremely high standards and the rules around uniform and appearance are non negotiable.
- Students are allowed to wear watches but not smart watches.
- Only one pair of plain gold or metal studded earrings in the lower ear are permitted.
- No other jewellery is permitted
- Nose, facial, tongue or body piercings are not allowed for health and safety reasons.
- Hair must be one natural colour. No extreme hairstyles are allowed (this includes partially or totally shaved hair below a number 3). For health and safety, all hair should be clear of the eyes.
- No necklaces or bracelets are to be worn for school.
- No rings are to be worn.
- Nail varnish needs to be in natural (nude) colours only
- No false or acrylic nails are allowed in school.
- No false eyelashes are to be worn
- Students may wear discreet make up.
As outlined in the school policy. The Head reserves the right to send students home or place them in the Reflection Centre for infringements of uniform or appearance rules.
Where to buy our uniform
Address: The Other Uniform Shop, Unit 9, Brimstage Hall Courtyard, Brimstage Road, Wirral, CH63 6JA
Phone: Tel:- 0151 348 4041
Web Site: schoolstuff.direct
Email: %3Emyorder@schoolstuff.direct
Order Form: Uniform Order Form
Address: Wirral Uniform Centre, Pyramid Shopping Centre, 2 Princes Pavement, Birkenhead, CH41 2XY
Phone: Tel:- 0151 647 9588
Web Site: wirraluniforms.com/bebington-high
Price List: Uniform Price List
Due to use of the Co-op registered trademark, other uniform suppliers are not legally allowed to sell our uniform.
Wirral FUSS (Free Uniforms For Schools)
- Lower Bebington Friday 3.30-4.15pm & Sunday 12-12.30pm. Lower Bebington Methodist Church, Bromborough Road, CH637RA
Wirral FUSS are a local charity which recycles great quality pre-loved school uniforms. Using recycled fibre drums placed in our communities, they collect your donated uniforms for all Wirral schools and sort them so that you can collect/request what you need, and they give them away for FREE! https://wirralfuss.co.uk/
Sports clothing
Parents and carers are expected to provide their child with the official indoor and outdoor kit. The student’s name should be clearly labelled inside the collar.
- PE bag with child’s name in it
- White polo shirt with school badge (indoor)
- Blue rugby jersey (outdoor)
- Navy blue shorts
- Navy blue socks with white trim
- Suitable training shoes (pumps are unsuitable)
- Football boots or ‘Astroturf’ trainers
- PE bag with child’s name in it
- Navy polo shirt with school badge (Year 7 only)
- Navy blue shorts or skirt
- Navy blue hoodie with school badge
- Navy blue socks with white trim
- Suitable training shoes (pumps are unsuitable)
- Blue/black leggings may be worn outdoors in cold weather
Students who are injured
Students require a note signed by their parent/guardian, or even better a medical letter, that shares the details of the injury and the time-frame from physical activity. This needs to be shown to the relevant PE teacher by the student.
Students who have a minor injury (injuries that don’t prevent them from changing independently), are still required to change into their PE kit as they will be taking an active role (not physically active) in the lesson, for example official, coach or analyst. Students that are unwell but are healthy enough to attend school are required to change into their PE kit and actively participate in the lesson.
Students that are considered seriously injured (injuries that prevent a person from changing independently), are not required to get changed but they will still be taking an active role in the lesson (not physically active) e.g. analyst, coach.
Students without kit / borrowing kit
In the event that a student has forgotten or lost an item of their PE kit then they will be required to wear the department’s spare PE kit that is washed and cleaned on a regular basis. Students are not permitted to wear their own clothes instead.
All consequences are based on the absence of any items from the compulsory student PE kit list stated above. Students will be required to borrow kit alongside possible further consequence as briefly outlined below.
Scenario Consequence
Forgetting PE Kit for the first time logged as behaviour and verbal reminder to bring it next to their next lesson.
Forgetting PE Kit for the second time 10-minute break time detention.
Forgetting PE Kit for the third time, Phone call home and a 30-minute after-school detention.