The Academy Day
The school day runs as follows:
All students are expected to be on site by 8.35am at the latest.
08:30 | Arrive |
08:35 | AM Registration |
08:45 | Period 1 |
09:45 | Period 2 |
10:45 | Morning Break |
11:05 | Period 3 |
12:05 | Period 4 |
13:05 | First Lunch/Form Time |
13:35 | Second Lunch/Form Time |
14:05 | Period 5 |
15:05 | End of the School Day |
Students should arrive at school by 8.30 at the latest.
Lateness will be challenged – if pupils arrive after 8.30am, they can only enter the school via the student entrance where they will be met by the Attendance Officer. One session of lateness will result in a school detention at lunchtime for 15 minutes. Further lates will result in a 45 minute after school detention being issued.
Students can eat at morning break or lunchtime. We now use a biometric system that allows students to load money onto their account via payment boxes or ParentMail and pay at the till via their thumbprint.
The total time the school day equates to in a typical week is 32.5 hours.