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Religious Education

Curriculum Intent Statement

At Co-op Academy Bebington, the Religious Education (RE) department is passionate about ensuring students receive a range of religious and non-religious viewpoints about the world and life in general. For that reason we study a range of religions through issues such as life after death, prejudice and good versus evil. It allows for spirituality to be explored and moral aspects to be applied in the modern world.

The RE curriculum fosters a healthy curiosity in the world and why people behave the way they do. Students of Religious Education will be encouraged to discuss and consider alternative viewpoints, present detailed arguments and study diverse cultures that differ from their own, allowing wider knowledge of the world. This worldly knowledge matters to the team because our students deserve to see beyond the realms of their local sphere. 

The curriculum at KS3 and KS4 is challenging and wide ranging. It covers philosophical and ethical themes, ensuring students gain knowledge and improve their understanding of contentious issues, many of which are relevant for today’s world. It also ensures cultural capital is met and allows access to further and higher education. 

Staff Members

Mrs S Rickers- RE Curriculum Coordinator

Mr P Hart - RE Teacher/Deputy Director of 6th Form/Motor Vehicle 

Key Stage 3

Year 7      Being British, What Is RE? Inspirational People & Buddhism
Year 8      British Values, Life After Death, Faith and Film & Islam
Year 9      Prejudice and Discrimination, Ethical Issues & Judaism

Key Stage 4

Religious Education at GCSE covers the subject areas of Christianity and Judaism through aspects of life and ethics, beliefs and practices. 

Exam board Specification 

Eduqas Religious Studies Route A Christianity and Judaism (Option 4)

Topics covered

  • Year 10 Christianity Beliefs, Christianity Practices, Judaism Beliefs, Judaism Practices
  • Year 11 Ethics and Philosophy – Relationships, Life and Death, Good and Evil, Human Rights

Key Stage 5

OCR A Level Religious Studies

Topics covered

  • Philosophy of Religion, Religion and Ethics and Developments in Religious Thought (Christianity)

Career Opportunities/Pathways

  • Teacher
  • Professor
  • Religious ambassador

Promotes equality and encourages inclusion

  • Police
  • Armed forces
  • Journalism

Skills base

  • Lawyer/barrister/judge
  • Solicitor
  • Counsellor
  • Council worker
  • Youth worker
  • Careers advisor