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Curriculum Intent Statement

At Co-op Academy Bebington, Geography seeks to help students to develop a sense of place, be it on a local, regional, national and global scale, and to locate themselves in these differing contexts. Students will be taken on a journey through different places and we work hard to ensure that students appreciate that the human and physical geography of these worlds is ever-changing. Students will make complex judgments about the positive and negative aspects of humans in these worlds.

Each year KS3 will take a thematic, enquiry based approach to these areas. Key geographical skills will be introduced and secured so that by the end of KS3 students will be proficient in map skills, geographical literacy and numeracy, and the role ICT has to play in the study of Geography. Students will be introduced to physical and human fieldwork in Year 7 and develop complex hypotheses throughout KS3. The all-important theme of sustainability will underpin all units. 

KS3 provides the foundation for the study of Geography at GCSE level in KS4 but while we hope all students will want to study Geography at GCSE we recognise that KS3 could be their final encounter with the subject. Consequently, we want students to have an excellent grounding in all geographical knowledge and concepts and to have a good appreciation of the changing world around them and their place in it. 

We want students to become global citizens and show a keen awareness of the geography around them. Geography is everywhere and students at Co-op Academy Bebington develop  an appreciation of the geography around them. 

Staff Members

Mrs J Dooley – Geography Coordinator

Mr J Gibson

Mrs C Hopkins

Miss R Lacey

Mr J Simpson - DofE Coordinator

Key Stage 3

Year 7

  • Settlement & Maps skills with fieldwork
  • Weather(fieldwork)
  • Tourism
  • Coasts
  • Population
  • World Cities: – Berlin – New Orleans – Marrakech – Lima – Shenzhen
  • Geography in the news guided reading

Year 8

  • Impossible Places (compare two regions)
  • Crime & Fieldwork
  • Ice and Glaciation
  • Water Cycle and Environmental Issues
  • Hot vs Cold Deserts
  • Geography in the news guided reading

Year 9

  • Developing Places
  • Local Places
  • Changing Places
  • Personal Project

Key Stage 4

At KS4, students will follow the AQA GCSE Geography course. This will introduce and secure complex skills and knowledge across all aspects of physical and human geography and consolidate the skills and knowledge gained at KS3. 

Year 10

  • Physical Landscapes UK: Rivers & Fieldwork
  • Urban Issues and Challenges
  • Physical Landscapes UK: Coasts
  • Living World
  • The challenge of resource management (Food)
  • The challenge of natural hazards Tectonic Processes

Year 11

  • The challenge of natural hazards Atmospheric
  • The changing Economic World
  • Mock Exams & Paper 3 preparation

Key Stage 5

We offer Geography at A level and cover the following topics:

We also offer Travel and Tourism BTEC at both Levels two and three. This vocational course prepares students for a career in hospitality and tourism through a range of vocational projects through a combination of practical tasks and work based activities.


  • Years 7 and 8 have the chance to participate in the John Muir Award
  • Fieldwork visits to Wales
  • International visits – Iceland in 2023 and 2024
  • Enrichment visit to Snowdonia.

Career Opportunities/Pathways

Geography has many career opportunities

  • Cartographer
  • Commercial/residential surveyor
  • Environmental consultant
  • Geographical information systems officer
  • Planning and development surveyor
  • Secondary school teacher
  • Social researcher
  • Town planner
  • Careers within the travel industry
  • Console games design