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Year 11 Progress Review Day

Year 11 Progress Review Day - 6th September 2023

At Coop Academy Bebington we recognise the significant benefits that working partnerships between school and home can have for our students. As well as having the usual Parents' Evening in the Autumn term where there is an opportunity to discuss your child's work with each of their subject teachers, there will also be an opportunity on Wednesday 6th September 2023 for you and your child to discuss their progress with a senior leader / teacher. This will take place in the form of a Progress Review Day. 

Progress Review Days are collapsed timetable days where students, with their parents/carers, are invited to the school to have a 15- minute, focused discussion with a senior leader / teacher about their progress and achievement. During this process, the senior leader / teacher will guide the student to reflect on their current academic performance in all subject areas and to establish three targets for improvement. Over the following weeks, supported by their form tutors, there will be an opportunity in form time to reflect on their progress towards achieving these targets.

There is much research evidence to show that students gain better results if they engage in a focused conversation about how they are doing with the significant adults at home and at school.

How to book your appointment

Please visit to see how to log in and book your 15 min appointment. Please be aware that the system will not be open for bookings until Friday 21st July and will close on Friday 1st September. 

If you are unable to attend or have any issues with booking please contact Jenny Pitman at Adding into the email subject  - Year 11 Progress Day

Arrangements for the Day

Normal lessons will not take place on the day and students are not required to wear their school uniform.  Your child will attend school with you and leave with you after the meeting. Please report to the school reception 5 mins prior to your appointment. 

There will be an opportunity on the day to to speak to the Yr 11 Pastoral Leader, Attendance Officer, SENCO and the Careers Advisor if required. Please contact Jenny Pitman at adding into the email subject  - Year 11 Progress Day if you wish to arrange an appointment and we will do our best to book it concurrently with your Progress Meeting appointment.

At the meeting we will: - ·

Discuss the report

  • Review progress towards current targets set and how to achieve or exceed them · 

  • Explore any other issues arising e.g. attendance, punctuality, behaviour, barriers to learning

  • Set/adjust action points to help him reach or exceed target grades

  • Discuss future plans for 6th form, apprenticeships etc.

On a final note we here at Coop Academy Bebington want to wish you and your family a happy and safe summer holiday and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 6th September.