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Time to Talk Day

Time to Talk Day is the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. It’s a day for friends, families, communities and workplaces to come together to talk, listen and change lives.

We've got some great activities planned to get people talking about mental health! 

At lunch, Mrs Forber led a fun Time to Talk Day session, with games and cards to spark conversations. The staff Crochet Club joined in too! 

Yesterday, our F1 Resourced Provision organised a lovely cake sale in the community as part of our Time to Talk Day activities, they raised an amazing £75.20 for Wirral Mind

A big thank you to Christ Church Higher Bebington for being such wonderful hosts and to everyone in the community who came out to support us and enjoy some tasty treats.

On Time to Talk Day, our F1 Resourced Provision headed over to Bebington Care Home. They bonded with the residents by having conversations, singing, and dancing, making great memories together. 

Today 7CHA participated in Time to Talk activities, engaging in conversations by asking open-ended questions to help get the conversations started and flowing smoothly!