Success Stories
Faith is a Pupil Premium student who grew in confidence over the course of her time at Bebington. In KS3 she presented some challenging behaviours resulting in her being placed on the HT panel, close to permanent exclusion. We persevered with her and provided support which allowed her to flourish. In Faith we saw a complete turnaround attending all interventions, independently seeking support and thriving as part of the ‘Universify’ programme, she also achieved ‘The Greatest U-Turn award’ at the school Prom. Her results are a testament to both the school and her own perseverance and hard work. She is returning to complete her A Levels in our school with the intention of going on to university – she’ll be the 1st in her family to achieve this feat.
Rio achieved fantastic grades despite very challenging home circumstances. He managed to overcome lots of barriers including the death of his Mother, in year 11, during the GCSE season. External factors had an impact on his behaviour and this meant he was at risk of permanent exclusion on several occasions. Rio took advantage of the extensive support, sometimes grudgingly. This has now resulted in him having an array of options at post 16, one of those is to remain at Bebington Sixth Form.