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Transition From Primary

Primary Transition for September 2024

If your child has been successfully offered a Year 7 place here at Co-op Academy Bebington, please have a look at our transition plan for September 2024 below.

We’d like to say a huge welcome to our family and the start of your journey with us. We’re here for you and your child every step of the way!

If you have any queries please email:

The start of the new school year 24/25 is fast approaching, and we are preparing to welcome your child to Co-op Academy Bebington.

You are invited to attend our New Entrants’ Parents’ Information Evening on Wednesday 19th June 2024.

Due to the numbers we are expecting to attend, we have split the Year into two groups by surnames. Surnames beginning with A-L will attend at 6-7pm and surnames M-Z will attend 7-8pm. This is a very important evening, and we hope every parent/carer and child will attend. 

During the evening you will meet the Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, Pastoral Leader for Year 7, Our SENCO and Progress Leader. They will provide information about the school and their specific roles. 

On Wednesday 3rd July, your child will spend the day at school. They will take part in some lessons and activities, and have the chance to get to know some of their new classmates. School begins at 8.45am on that day and finishes at 2.45pm. They will also meet their form tutor on the day and spend time with their form group.

Students should arrive at the Main School Entrance no later than 8.30am where they will be welcomed by staff. Your child may buy lunch in the dining hall where a varied menu is available at a cost of approximately £3.00. A packed lunch may also be brought if preferred. Students should attend in their current school uniform. Please pick your child up at 2.45pm from the Student Entrance.

We look forward to welcoming you on the evening of Wednesday 19th June 2024 and your child on Wednesday 3rd July 2024. 

Yours sincerely
Ms C Kelly, Head Teacher



Important next steps: Admissions Data Collection Form

Once you have received a formal offer from Wirral Local Authority for a place at Co-op Academy Bebington you must complete our Admissions Data Collection Form 2024 and return it to us no later than Friday 31st May 2024. The online link to this form is below.


Key Dates

 May 31                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Deadline for completing online forms:
By Friday 31st May 2024 you must have completed and submitted the following online form:
Admissions Data Collection Form 2024

June 3 In-School Visits:
From the week commencing 3rd June 2024, our Co-op Academy Bebington Primary Transition Team will begin to visit the children in their primary school settings, speaking to all Year 6 students.
June 19

Primary Intake Parents' Evening:                    
Primary Intake Parent's Evening will take place here at Co-op Academy Bebington between 6 - 8 pm. Further details to follow. 

July 3

Transition Day:
On Wednesday 3rd July, your child will spend the day at school. They will take part in some lessons and activities, and have the chance to get to know some of their new classmates. School begins at 9.00am on that day and finishes at 2.45pm. They will also meet their form tutor on the day and spend time with their form group.

July Nurture Taster Sessions:
These sessions are arranged for specific children only, which will have been agreed between their primary school and ourselves.
July Summer School - more details to follow
Sep 4 First Day!
Your child’s first day at Co-op Academy Bebington is Monday 4th September 2024, more details will follow. Children should arrive wearing their full Co-op Academy Bebington uniform

Free School Meals

If you believe that your child qualifies for free school meals, please contact the Local Authority. Application forms can be obtained from All applications should be completed online. 

If you are unsure if you are eligible for free school meals, don’t hesitate to contact us for confidential advice and guidance.  


Where to buy our uniform

Address: The Other Uniform Shop, Unit 9, Brimstage Hall Courtyard, Brimstage Road, Wirral, CH63 6JA
Phone: Tel:- 0151 348 4041
Order Form: Uniform Order Form

Address: Wirral Uniform Centre, Pyramid Shopping Centre, 2 Princes Pavement, Birkenhead, CH41 2XY
Phone: Tel:- 0151 647 9588
Web Site: 
Price List: Uniform Price List

Due to the use of the Co-op registered trademark, other uniform suppliers are not legally allowed to sell our uniform.

Further information on our uniform can be found in the uniform section of our website.

Parent Handbook