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Student Support/Pastoral

If you have a worry or an issue, it’s always best to talk to an adult about it.

On this page you will find information about who you can talk to at the academy, and some organisations you can talk to outside of school hours.

Within our school, we aim to create a harmonious and industrious environment, which supports students in fulfilling their academic potential. The progress, happiness, and well-being of our students are of paramount importance to us. The academy cares for its students’ welfare, seeing each as an individual learner with individual needs. This means we are supporting and developing the whole child, not just focused on examination results.

Considerable emphasis is placed on the provision of pastoral support. Our students are grouped by age in forms of around 25 young people with up to 9 forms per year group. Students are supported through a year group system, so their form group and all classes are with students of the same chronological age as themselves. Each year group is overseen by a Pastoral and Progress Leader.

Pastoral Leaders

Pastoral Leaders for each year group are assigned to manage the pastoral welfare of the students in their year. They are the first point of contact for all issues. They are not teachers and as such have the time to deal with any issues that arise quickly.

As a general rule, all matters are dealt with by the form tutor or subject teacher (if there is a subject-specific issue). They will involve other senior members of the pastoral team as necessary.

Our staff are always ready to discuss any matter concerning students. If your child is
experiencing any difficulties please contact the academy.

People you can Talk to During a School Day

You can speak to any member of staff you feel comfortable speaking to, but remember, there are some members of staff who have special responsibilities for your welfare:

  • your Form Tutor or Pastoral Leader
  • staff from the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities team or the English as an Additional Language team
  • our Child Protection Team if you have serious concerns about something

People to Talk to Outside of the Academy

You might find you need to speak to someone at evenings, weekends and during holidays. We recommend the organisations below to our students.

Kooth |

A free, anonymous, confidential website where young people can go for online counselling support.

Childline | 0800 1111 |

A free 24 hour service by phone and online. Their website has some great information about a range of problems.

Samaritans | 116 123 |

Available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress, despair or suicidal thoughts.

Young Minds |

A website with lots of information about mental health and the services that are available from the NHS.

Zillo |

Zillo is a one stop shop designed for young people. If you look in the ‘Hub’ section it provides specific advice on a wide variety of issues. More importantly, it gives contact details for support services who can give urgent help and advice- many of these provide 24hrs support.

Staying Safe Online

Think U Know |

Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.

UK Safer Internet Centre |

The latest tips, advice and resources to help children and young people have a safe and positive time online.

NSPCC – Keeping Children Safe Online |

From setting up parental controls to advice on sexting, online games and video apps, we can help you to understand the risks and keep safe.