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Our academy is a secondary school for ages 11-18.

We are a comprehensive school open to applications from all young people from the local area.

We are an all ability co-educational inclusive school and welcome all students regardless of ability, gender, culture and disability. We admit students to our school without assessing their ability but may group them according to ability once in the school in certain subject areas.

If you are thinking about our academy as your child’s secondary school, we suggest you visit the academy.  Places in our school are decided by the governing body of our school according to arrangements made in consultation with the Local Authority. The admissions procedure is co-ordinated by the Local Authority. Normally all parents who express a preference for their child to be admitted to our school will be accepted unless there are no places available. The local authority will then allocate a place at the nearest appropriate school with places available.

The admission number for the school is 205. Students will be admitted into our school up to this number.

Admissions Criteria

Applications for our school will be dealt with in order according to the following criteria.

a. Children who are Looked After or were previously Looked After as defined by the School Admissions Code 2012.

b. Children who have a valid medical reason for a specific placement. You must give details on the preference form and this may be checked by a medical officer of the health authority. You need to make it clear why only this school is appropriate for your child’s medical needs.

c. Children who have brothers and sisters (including half-brothers and sisters or step brothers and sisters, and adopted siblings living in the same household) at the school when places are offered.

d. We will then take account of where your child lives. We will give priority to those students who live nearest to the school. The local authority use a mapping system, based on Ordnance Survey maps, to measure the distance from your home to the school gate nearest to your child’s home using the shortest road route, unless it is possible to use a footpath which we consider a safe walking route.

Sixth Form

We offer places to students in our sixth form if they meet the entry requirements and have a positive reference (more details can be found on our website and the sixth form prospectus)

Entry requirements: –

To study level 3 courses (A2, Applied A levels and BTEC) a minimum of five GCSE grade 4/5’s or above (or the equivalent) is required. However, in MFL, Mathematics and Science subject’s students require a Grade 6. For level 2 courses (GCSE and BTEC) a minimum of 4 GCSE Grade 1 and above are required.


If you are not satisfied with an admission decision, you can appeal to our governing body appeals panel.

More details are available by contacting or telephone 0151 645 4154