We're part of Co-op Academies Trust. Financial information for the Trust can be found here.
Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
The Pupil Premium Grant is extra funding allocated to publicly funded schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities, and better prepare them for adult life. Pupil Premium funding is additional to the main budget and is provided for:-
● Pupils who have been in receipt of FSM at any point in the last 6 years.
● Pupils who are in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, a local authority.
● Pupils who are adopted from care under the Adoption and Children Act 2002 or who have left care under a Special Guardianship or Residence Order.
● Pupils whose parents are currently serving in the regular armed forces, or have been at any point since the January 2015 census.
At Co-op Academy Bebington, the proportion of pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium is 50%, which is significantly higher than the national average of 28%. This provides us with £417,815 of additional funding for 2021/22, which is clearly identifiable within the budget. A separate budget of £26,000 exists for LAC pupils. For February 2021-22, the government provided a one-off recovery premium of £59,512, as part of its package of funding to support education recovery, in addition to the catch-up premium of £63,394 already received.
We use the Pupil Premium Grant and Recovery Premium to close the well-reported gap between the achievement of disadvantaged pupils and their peers, making provision equal and equitable. There is a relentless focus on quality first teaching and a rigorous and well sequenced curriculum to ensure that all our disadvantaged pupils receive equitable learning experiences. Our PP strategy is informed by upto date and relevant education research, published by a number of sources including the Education Endowment Foundation, the Sutton Trust and the Education Policy Institute, and is aimed at overcoming the key barriers faced by those eligible for PP. We allocate PP funding using the tiered approach advocated by the EEF’s Pupil Premium Guide, targeting spending across the following three areas, in that order of priority:-
- Tier 1 – supporting the quality of teaching
- Tier 2 – providing targeted academic support
- Tier 3 – tackling non-academic barriers to success
We also ring-fence a small percentage of PP funds for Departments to bid in for to run PP specific initiatives.
At Co-op Academy Bebington we challenge and support every pupil to achieve without limits whatever their background, starting point and aspirations. Our aim is to extend and enhance the provision to all pupils in order that the disadvantages experienced in society by some of our pupils do not provide barriers to their educational achievement. We recognise that not all pupils who are eligible for PP are underachieving or low ability, while some pupils may be underachieving and not be eligible for PP funding. It is school policy to plan, adapt and prepare for any pupil who is underachieving.
Therefore, some strategies will be used to support all pupils, including those eligible for PP, whereas other strategies will be specifically targeted at disadvantaged pupils on an individual basis or as a priority group. We strive to ensure that the funding reaches the disadvantaged pupils who need it the most, and that it has a disproportionate benefit for them, as we know they face additional barriers.
We are held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support disadvantaged pupils by the Governing Body, the DfE, OFSTED and parents. You can find our annual PP Evaluation, PP Strategy, and PP Policy below. If you have any queries relating to Pupil Premium, do not hesitate to contact Ms Debbie Jennings (Deputy Headteacher).
COVID Catch-up
Summer School Funding
Co-op Academy Bebington Summer School took place from Monday 19th – Friday 30th July and was offered to year 6 and year 7 students. The students had interactive and fun lessons led by our own specialist staff with a focus on math’s, science, English, drama and inclusion. The students had exciting day trips out to West Kirby beach, treasure hunt to Port Sunlight and a survival and den building day at Barnstondale. External agencies such as LFC foundation enhanced the summer school with their expertise on mental health, transition and staying safe. Wirral rugby club offered a superb day focusing on girls and boys rugby and promoting confidence and self-respect. The students all gave 100% to the summer school and should be very proud of themselves for attending, well done!
We have claimed funding of £39,850.34, which has been spent on:
- Staff costs £35,841.53
- Activities & trips £2,270.50
- Books & equipment £1,233.68
- Food & drinks £504.63