Performance Data
Our Performance Data
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years. |
Measure |
Result |
Progress 8 score | -0.44 |
Attainment 8 score | 36.73 |
The percentage of students achieving a grade 5 or above in English and Maths | 24% |
The percentage of students that enter the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) | 39% |
The percentage of students staying in education or going into employment after key stage 4 | 98.45% |
Measure | Result |
Attainment Measures | |
A Level APS | 39th Percentile |
Applied general APS | 16th Percentile |
Destination Measures | |
Sustained Employment, Education or Training | 85% |
Destination Not Sustained | 13% |
Activity Not Captured | 2% |
Retention Measures | |
A Level | 76% |
Applied General | 50% |
Tech Level | 0% |
Progress 8 - how is it measured?
Progress 8 is a measure of the progress children make between the end of primary school and the end of secondary school.
Progress 8 and Attainment 8 are based on pupils’ performance in eight qualifications. These are English and maths, up to three subjects from the Ebacc list, and students’ three highest scores from a range of other qualifications, including GCSEs and approved non-GCSEs. English and maths are given double weighting to reflect their importance.
The raw point score from these eight qualifications is average to give the school’s Attainment 8 score. You would expect it to be higher in schools that have more academically able students, such as grammar schools.
The Progress 8 score is calculated by comparing each student’s Attainment 8 score to those nationally of other students who had the same KS2 SATs results. This is designed to measure how much progress each student has made from Year 6 to Year 11. In theory, all schools have an equal chance of getting a high Progress 8 score. However, calculations do not take into consideration students with special educational needs who may be offered an alternative curriculum. These students may not study the full breadth of qualifications or qualifications that are counted in DfE calculations. This can adversely affect a school’s overall results.
A school’s Progress 8 score is usually between -1 and +1. A score of +1 means that pupils in that school achieve one grade higher in each qualification than other similar pupils nationally. A score of -1 means they achieve one grade lower. The average Progress 8 score of all secondary schools nationally is 0.
Standard Pass – 12.2%
Strong Pass – 8.8%
Future Destinations after KS4
Apprenticeship – 6.04%
Destination – 0.55%
Employment – 2.20%
Further Education – 36.81%
NEET – Working with Career Connect – 0.55%
NEET Currently – 0.55%
Sixth Form – 52.20%
Unknown – 1.10%
Total – 100%