Halloween and Bonfire Night Advice
Please see below a letter from Merseyside Police with advice and warnings with regard to Halloween and Bonfire Night.
Also attached is a pdf copy of the presentation which will be shown to all students during their PSHCE lesson this week.
Letter to parents and guardians from Merseyside Police re. Halloween and Bonfire Night
We are writing to all parents and guardians to ask for your help over the upcoming Halloween and
Bonfire Night period.
We want everyone to have fun and we’ll be working hard to keep you safe, but we need your help:
Know where your children are
• Encourage kids to go to local events that are being organised, or try a spooky film together
• If your children are going out (particularly on the 30th and 31st of October), make sure you
know where they’re going. If possible, drop them off and pick them up
• Don’t let your children hang around the street
• If they’re going somewhere local – walk there with them
• Have an agreed time when they need to be home
• Don’t buy fireworks or eggs and flour for them, and don’t let them take it out of the house
Know the risks
• Throwing things at cars, buses, shops and houses can hurt people – drivers might swerve if
they get distracted and cause a crash, or someone might get hurt by broken glass (and
scratched paintwork can be very expensive to fix)
• Getting into trouble with the police can lead to a criminal record, which means not being
able to go on holiday to countries like the USA, and not being able to do certain jobs
• Messing around with fireworks is dangerous – some burn as hot as 1,200 degrees - hot
enough to melt glass and cause serious or fatal injuries
Know the law
If a young person under the age of 16 commits any of the offences below, the parent/guardian will
have to pay the fine.
• A person under the age of 16 can be arrested and fined if found with an unlit firework
• A person under the age of 16 can also be arrested and fined if they throw or light a firework
or make a bonfire
• A person under the age of 16 can be arrested and fined for throwing things like eggs, flour,
paint or other objects at people, vehicles or property
Thank you for your help and support. By working together, we can keep your children safe this
Halloween and Bonfire Night.
Merseyside Police