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School Closed 10.01.25

Dear Parents and Carers

I have taken the decision to keep school closed until Monday, although school will be open for 6th Form external exams this afternoon. 

The school site has been cleared somewhat but I am concerned the fire assembly point remains icy. I am attaching photographs of the site taken at 6.15 this morning. 

The pavements and side roads are still treacherous and we have just been informed of an accident at the top of the road to school due to ice. 

Our students walk or cycle to school and I don’t want to risk any accidents or injuries. 

I am aware other schools in the area may be opening but each site is different and ours is a very large site and we have 1200 students as the largest school in the local area. 

I’m always worried when I make these decisions as I’m aware many of you work and this decision is inconvenient but I make this decision with the best of intentions and with your children’s safety in mind. 

The temperature is forecast to rise on Monday and throughout next week to 11 so I hope you will support my decision today. 

Work has been set by staff and can be acccessed on Google Classroom.

Kind regards

C Kelly